Halloweentown Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Replica
Our team crafted a delightful giant hard-coated foam recreation of the iconic jack-o-lantern pumpkin from Disney’s Halloweentown, transforming it into a captivating photo-op for enthusiasts. The oversized pumpkin, meticulously designed to capture the whimsy of the beloved film, provided a magical backdrop for guests to immerse themselves in the enchanting spirit of Halloweentown. With its intricate details and durability, this nostalgic photo-op became a standout feature, offering attendees the opportunity to create cherished memories surrounded by the charm of a Disney classic.
- Coating and paintingCoating and painting
- Completed Halloweentown PumpkinCompleted Halloweentown Pumpkin
- Installed at MallInstalled at Mall
- Halloweentown Photo-OpHalloweentown Photo-Op
- Trick 'r Treater approvedTrick 'r Treater approved
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