Lifecasting Services: Stones, Silicones, & 3D Scanning
Our lifecasting services offer a comprehensive range, from capturing detailed facial features and whole heads to hands, teeth, and virtually any body part – we can even tackled full-body lifecasts should the need arise. Employing materials like alginates, silicones, and various casting mediums, we ensure precise and high-quality reproductions. Embracing innovative technology, we now offer 3D scanning capabilities, allowing us to digitally manipulate and print to scale, eliminating the need for messy cleanup. These lifecasts serve diverse purposes, from crafting personalized masks and prosthetics to creating self-portrait statues, offering a versatile solution for bringing unique and lifelike visions to fruition.
- Dental casting actor David E McMahonDental casting actor David E McMahon
- Silicone dental impressionsSilicone dental impressions
- Die Keen Green Dental Stone CastingDie Keen Green Dental Stone Casting
- Dental stone upper castingDental stone upper casting
- Dental stone lower castingDental stone lower casting
- Lifecasting actor Terrence RigginsLifecasting actor Terrence Riggins
- Lifecasting actor Terrence RigginsLifecasting actor Terrence Riggins
- Full head for client with facial hair (front)Full head for client with facial hair (front)
- Full head for client with facial hair (side)Full head for client with facial hair (side)
- Plaster bandage shellPlaster bandage shell
- Before cleanupBefore cleanup
- Eye detailEye detail
- mouth detailmouth detail
- Post-cleanupPost-cleanup
- Full head lifecast plaster shellFull head lifecast plaster shell
- Full head lifecastFull head lifecast
- Full head lifecast selfieFull head lifecast selfie
- Artistic plaster bandage shellArtistic plaster bandage shell
- Full plaster bandage shellFull plaster bandage shell
- Relaxing processRelaxing process
- Prepping to sculpt onto lifecastPrepping to sculpt onto lifecast
Turn your idea into an asset
Get in touch today to tell us about what you need.