Dr. Who Cosplay Silurian Cowls
Our replica Silurian cowl piece from Dr. Who stands as a testament to our dedication to crafting intricate and authentic pieces for cosplayers. Hand-sculpted with precision, this unique cowl is meticulously molded and cast in dyed latex, available in a variety of colors to cater to diverse preferences. Beyond serving as a faithful replica for Dr. Who enthusiasts, its captivating shape and form make it an intriguing canvas for body painters seeking distinctive and otherworldly designs. The versatility of this piece extends beyond fandom, allowing individuals to embody the mystique of the Silurians while showcasing the detailed craftsmanship and creativity inherent in our work.
- Sculpting in WED clay on lifecastSculpting in WED clay on lifecast
- Raw latex pullRaw latex pull
- Trimmed, patched, and seamedTrimmed, patched, and seamed
- Dyed green latexDyed green latex
- Assorted color optionsAssorted color options
- Red and black demon paint variantRed and black demon paint variant
- Silurian reptile-style paint jobSilurian reptile-style paint job
- Painting and testing by cosplayer Technically TokiPainting and testing by cosplayer Technically Toki
- Beautiful shot of cosplayer Technically TokiBeautiful shot of cosplayer Technically Toki
- Cosplay by Technically TokiCosplay by Technically Toki
- Cowl and cosplayCowl and cosplay
- Dr. Who paradeDr. Who parade
- Dr. Who cosplayDr. Who cosplay
- Cosplay customerCosplay customer
- Albino Silurian variant cosplayAlbino Silurian variant cosplay
- Athena Zhe BodypaintingAthena Zhe Bodypainting
- Bodypainting demo by Athena ZheBodypainting demo by Athena Zhe
- Demon cowl used for promo by bodypainter Athena ZheDemon cowl used for promo by bodypainter Athena Zhe
- Demon cowl demo photo-opDemon cowl demo photo-op
- Nick Wolfe Australia bodypainting class demoNick Wolfe Australia bodypainting class demo
- Nick Wolfe UK makeup class demoNick Wolfe UK makeup class demo
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