Giant Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Displays
Our team crafted enchanting giant pumpkin jack-o-lanterns to elevate our client’s Halloween yard display, ensuring a perfect blend of spooky aesthetics and practicality. Constructed from urethane hard-coated foam, these outdoor-safe pumpkins embodied durability and lifelike detail. To enhance user convenience, the pumpkins cleverly came apart into three pieces for easy storage, facilitating effortless setup and takedown. The attention to realism was further heightened by the permanent installation of flicker lights aimed strategically at the backs of the pumpkins, creating a natural bounce-flicker effect that mimicked the play of candlelight within jack-o-lanterns. This thoughtful touch not only added an authentic and dynamic ambiance to the Halloween display but also showcased our commitment to combining creativity with functional design for an unforgettable holiday experience.
- Short and squat Jack-O-LanternShort and squat Jack-O-Lantern
- Proportioned Jack-O-LanternProportioned Jack-O-Lantern
- Tall and skinny Jack-O-LanternTall and skinny Jack-O-Lantern
- Jack-O-Lantern trio after paintJack-O-Lantern trio after paint
- The three giant pumpkinsThe three giant pumpkins
- LED glow testingLED glow testing
- Nighttime Jack-O-Lantern glowNighttime Jack-O-Lantern glow
- Jack-O-Lantern Glow GIFJack-O-Lantern Glow GIF
- Jack-O-Lantern candle flicker GIFJack-O-Lantern candle flicker GIF
- Happy customers pickup up giant jack-o-lanternsHappy customers pickup up giant jack-o-lanterns